giovedì 24 marzo 2011

FLARE updates for Addio Pizzo Blog Daran Oswyn Jones, March 2011

FLARE updates for Addio Pizzo Blog
Daran Oswyn Jones, March 2011

There follows information relating to many project funding opportunities within the realm of fighting Transnational Organised crime, please use the links where given to find further information, and specific questions can be left as comments below.

Thanks for reading
Daran Oswyn Jones


The Youth Ambassadors for Peace project

The Council of Europe invites all youth leaders coming from conflict-affected communities to apply to take part in the training for the second group of future ambassadors.
The Youth Ambassadors for Peace project is based on the understanding of peace and deep security as a long-term and deep-rooted processes ensuring equality in dignity for all, fostering intercultural dialogue, and providing real access to and participation in the democratic process all over Europe.
Conflict affected communities are understood as communities that experience or are recovering from armed conflict, terrorism, frozen conflict, rise of racist discourse, nationalism and xenophobia, the escalation of hate speech and hate crime, discrimination and social exclusion, especially related to the Roma community, migrants and refugees, or similar types of conflict affecting society and young people in particular.
The Youth Peace Ambassadors project promotes and supports young people in peace-building activities that contribute to living together in justice, dignity and dialogue.
The project is the result of a need assessment made by European youth organisations, and builds upon the particular contribution and perspective that youth work and youth policy can bring to peace-building processes in Europe, especially through its preventive and educational nature.
The project combines residential training, distance learning and field initiatives supported by a European network and is run from 2011 to 2013. Applications to be part of the second group of “ambassadors” are now open.
You can find attached detailed information about the project background, aim and objectives, profile of the candidates and selection procedure.
Please note that the deadline for submitting applications is 3rd April 2011. Only duly completed applications, made on the online application form, will be accepted for consideration. The link to the form is and is also given in the attached presentation document.
For further information please contact:
Ms Nina Kapoor, +33388412142


FLARE has become a full member organisation of the European Youth Forum since November 2010. This membership allows us to nominate participants and take part actively in the youth policy agenda and lobbying on European level. 
Since then we receive many information and calls for proposals and participation in many youth events for which I think some of you might be interested to apply. (for more details on the current calls please read below the latest courier of the EYF). 

Once interested to apply and participate on some of these events, please read the call carefully and send your expression of interest or required application form to to me and Sara ( Then FLARE shall consider to nominate you by a support letter.


Project Encounter

This opportunity might be of interest to some.

The deadline for the application is: March 31, 2011
Link to the application form:


This Award is organized by the European Youth Press in collaboration with the Council of Europe.

Deadline: 31 May 2011

Open to: all young journalists between the ages of 18 and 30

Award: winners will be invited to Strasbourg to receive their cash prize of €1000
“Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers…”
The Award is organized by the European Youth Press in collaboration with the Council of Europe.
Freedom of the media is not a given. Over the last ten years, 1,100 journalists and media staff have been killed in the line of duty, according to the International News Safety Institute. In certain countries, governments still attempt to control the media. The concentration process that allows holding companies to control several media outlets reduces the diversity of information sources. On the other hand, the rise of the internet as a new medium has pushed back the boundaries what can and cannot be said and published.
This year’s theme is inspired by one of the most important articles of the European Convention of Human Rights – article 10 (*). Without a free media and plurality of opinion, democratic societies can no longer exist. Yet contemporary media are under threat from violence against journalists, attempts at government control, concentration of ownership of media outlets, dwindling standards in press freedom and the surge of the internet as a source of instant news.
This year’s theme is MEDIA FREEDOM and the competition started on  1st March, with a deadline of 31 May.
Four categories are open to contestants between the ages of 18 and 30: photography, video, radio and print journalism.
Winners will be invited to Strasbourg to receive their cash prize of €1000 at a ceremony during the June 2010 session of the Parliamentary Assembly.
How to Apply
To upload your entry, visit Youth Media official website.


Small Grants available for Counter trafficking initiatives.

Deadline: 30 April 2011

All Countries
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has launched the 2011 Small Grants Facility under the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for victims of human trafficking. The Facility aims to provide...


Summer School on Integrity

The Transparency International Summer School on Integrity in Vilnius is the first such course in the region aimed at directly addressing the subject of corruption and how to fight it. The Summer School is for students, graduates and young professionals. In 2010 the event hosted some sixty students from twelve EU/EEA, CIS and other countries.

There is a limited number of competitive scholarships available for students from a number of selected countries. The scholarship covers transportation, tuition and board expenses. The deadline for submission of application and scholarship forms and other related documents is 15 May 2011.

more info on:

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